Friday, January 4, 2008

Oprah Goes Green

Buying "green" products isn't just for people who want to "save the planet." There's growing evidence that environment-friendly products such as detergents and cleaners made without harsh, toxic chemicals are not only better for the planet, but are healthier for us to have around the house.

Oprah Winfrey got the religion of green products on her show of Friday, January 4th. The show looks at one family that has made a number of changes in its life to go green, surveys some of Oprah's own green products, discusses products and resources that can make it easier to go green, and offers a "Going Green 101" crash course to show what families can do today.

Oprah covers some of the major brands of green products, including Seventh Generation and Shaklee. She also tells how to get a starter kit from Shaklee, with savings of 33 percent on the Shaklee Healthy Home pack and 15 percent off other Shaklee products.

Considering how many powerful toxic chemicals are ingredients in today's cleaning and household products, going green can make a lot of sense.

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